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Time Tracking

Keep track of the time worked on specific tasks in your projects for use in client billing or project costing. Report hours by project, task, and user. Compare actual hours to budgeted hours. Reports can be printed or exported to Excel. Project expenses – budgeted and actual – can be tracked and reported upon, in a similar fashion.

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What is Time Tracking?

Tracking time will ensure hours are properly billed and team workload is adequately balanced. Workzone keeps running totals of hours by task, user, project, and workspace, and then makes this information available in a number of useful reports or exported via Excel, PDF, or API.

Why is Time Tracking important?

Time tracking gives managers visibility into the time each project takes and each team member’s workload to identify which tasks monopolize the most time, resources, and budget — and to make changes accordingly.

Who uses Time Tracking?

Managers find Time Tracking particularly useful for billing clients, tracking their team’s resources, and making a case for additional resources when asking for more operational budget.

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Picking the right software isn’t enough. Process change is hard, even for the most talented teams. Workzone helps your team build the foundation, processes, and discipline you need to drive your project management success.

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