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File Versioning

Keep track of multiple versions of files as they are revised. Workzone automatically organizes the files and adds version numbers so that you can see the latest version and compare to earlier iterations. You can also ‘check out’ a file to let others know you are in the process of revising it.

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What is File Versioning?

Many creative or document based projects include multiple rounds of revisions and approvals. In addition, documents may have edits over time. Workzone maintains a record of all the versions of a particular file to eliminate confusion and ensure that your team is using the newest version.

Why is File Versioning important?

Have you ever searched and wondered which version of a document is the right one? Save time utilizing Workzone’s file versioning. You’ll see all versions of a document laid out in an organized view.

Who uses File Versioning?

Whether you are working with an external client or internal team member, File Versioning is used and valued by all users within Workzone. Imagine how organized you’ll look when a client asks for a document and you or any of your team members can, in seconds, locate the correct version of the file and share it.

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Picking the right software isn’t enough. Process change is hard, even for the most talented teams. Workzone helps your team build the foundation, processes, and discipline you need to drive your project management success.

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