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Looking for a Workzone Free Trial to Compare Project Management Software? Read This First.

Looking for a Workzone Free Trial to Compare Project Management Software? Read This First.

By Charlie Ell Hajj

You need a free trial because you’re done. Done with the spreadsheet and post-it system of managing your workflow. You are ready to invest in project management software for your busy team. The ideal system will remove redundancies while also helping to increase efficiency and productivity.

Your Goals

  • Find a project management software solution for your team’s immediate needs and that can serve the company long-term
  • Confirm the software will work for your team and is easy to use
  • Make a decision fast and get the system up and running as quick as possible – after all, you don’t have time to waste

The Typical Plan of Action: Sign Up for Free Trials

Your first instinct might be to sign up for a free trial with each of the vendors you are considering. After all, they are offering it, so it shouldn’t be too difficult to try each one and make a final decision on your own, without the input of a salesperson. 

But is a free trial really the best choice?

The Pitfalls of the Free Trial Experience

“If it’s free, it’s for me!” is not a universal truth. Let’s take a look at the main reasons why self-serve trials do not help in making the best-informed choice for your project management software needs.

Wasted time

Free trials exist because companies are hopeful that once you try it, you’ll buy it – without them needing to invest any time or energy. As exciting as “free” sounds, this process will only do one thing: waste your time. In fact, the first piece of advice on how to evaluate free trials from Rigor Software is to “Commit Time”. Sounds ominous, right? Add in that there are over 700 project management tools on the market and you’re suddenly facing a daunting, time-consuming project. Who has all this time to spend using free trials and getting into the nooks and crannies of each software?

It doesn’t matter if the software is simple or robust…they all require investing focused time to determine whether the product will be a good fit. You’ll probably get frustrated attempting to decode their software and identify how it will work best for your team. Don’t settle for a self-serve experience – your time is much more valuable.  

Out of sight, out of mind

How many times have you signed up for a free trial of an app or online tool and *poof* the free trial period ends before you have the time to use it? Even with the best of intentions, we know it’s easy for the day-to-day to take priority. 

Instead, seek a guided approach with the products you’re considering to help you to stay on track, find a solution, and get it up and running quickly.

Not enough access to make a decision

In most project management software free trials, you aren’t permitted access beyond its base use. Even within similar industries, every end-user company’s needs differ. 

In order to make a fully informed decision, you need to know that the software will work for you at every level. In fact, you may not know how much a certain feature could help you until you see it. 

Created for general, not custom, solutions

A free self-serve trial is fine when you need a general solution to a relatively simple need. But when you know ahead of time that you’ll need customization (like templates or request forms), it makes sense to connect with a representative to get what you need and start implementing.

You need more than just software

When in the market for project management software, what you’re really seeking is a project management solution from a vendor partner. You need software that provides the elements you need to work effectively and you need it from a company that is invested in your success.

Experience an alternative to free trials. Request a Workzone demo today!

An Alternative to Self-Serve Trials

As consumers we’ve been conditioned to the self-serve trial mindset, that’s why this usual course of action feels second nature.

Not to equate software with a person, of course, but you will rely on your project management software as a key component of your team. So instead of signing up for several self-serve trials at one time, choose one or two software solutions that appear promising and request an in-depth demo. It’s like inviting the strongest candidates for a second interview. Having one-on-one guidance will avoid your getting lost in the features you don’t need and ensure you learn about the features most helpful to you.

Stay on Track

Your project management software search is a project on its own. Develop a timeline and communicate it to both your internal team and your salesperson to stay on track, find a solution, and get it up and running quickly. Sometimes we need someone to help push us along, and if you’re working with the right company, they will help guide you through a clear process to meet your deadline.

The Workzone Experience

By now, you’re probably not surprised to learn that Workzone does not offer free trials. At Workzone, our concierge level of service starts before you make the purchase. This first-hand, guided immersion is the ideal way to experience Workzone to best help you decide whether or not it’s the right product for you.

Identify your needs

We begin with a 50-minute discovery call:

  • Finding your “Why” and how that aligns with your goal in using project management software
  • Pinpointing the things about your process that keep you up at night
  • Identifying the features and functionality that relate most to hitting your goals
  • Mapping out the potential roadblocks to product adoption across your team and other departments

Your projects in action

From the information collected in the discovery call we take a deep-dive into Workzone:

  • Your demo will have your sample projects to see your work in real-time
  • Navigate through the areas of Workzone that will be most beneficial to your workflow
  • Stop throughout the demo to discuss functionality and how it will help your team
  • Additional demos for other team members if needed (sometimes too many cooks in the kitchen can be detrimental to the demo…e.g. there are 15 people on a demo each with competing priorities when you are trying to evaluate all the parts of the software at once!)

Experience an alternative to free trials. Request a Workzone demo today!

A Partner in Your Success

At Workzone, our goal is to become your partner in project management. From initial consideration to customer solutions leading to full buy-in and adoption, your success is our success.

Creating a Success Plan just for you

We know that project management software is only good if it’s in use. That’s why our success plan includes the adoption process and the ongoing support you’ll need to create lasting positive change.

Here’s an in-depth look at what you’ll experience when you choose Workzone:

1. Needs Assessment

“Another “Needs Assesment”? Didn’t I just do one with the demo?”. Your Customer Success Manager will be briefed on your needs, yes, but they will dive even further in order to build on what was learned and further assesses your team’s project management goals. They will lay the foundation for full adoption of Workzone.

2. Success Planning

What else would you expect from a project management company? Planning is key and its not just for your projects! We know every team’s timelines are different so that’s why from initial site set up to team training and onboarding, its all planned out. Our team works with you to develop an adoption plan unique to your team’s needs.

3. Setup & Customization

Here’s where that information collected from earlier really comes to life. Together with your Success Manager, you will implement the customizations needed to connect your real-life processes with the appropriate features and workflows within Workzone.

4. Unlimited Training

You read that right! You’ll have access to unlimited training (no extra charges, ever) from our tenured Workzone product specialists (average tenure 5 years!). They are ready to help your entire team from technophobes to the most tech-savvy.

5. Ongoing Coaching

With your dedicated Customer Success Manager, you’ll have a partner in success. You’ll meet at least quarterly to clear roadblocks, discuss strategy, review new features, give feedback to future development plans, make changes to your site as needed, and celebrate your progress.

What we recommend

No one has time for several free trials. Instead, choose one or two software solutions and request an in-depth demo. That way you’ll avoid getting lost in the features you don’t need and learn about the features most helpful to you.